Canada's Kintsugi Moment

There's a lot of reason to look around and despair.  We are at a moment in time where it seems everything that appeared to make our country great has been shattered.  There are shards of what was everywhere - the country seems on the brink of grinding to a halt.  The stock market is tumbling.  People are fearful that the environment will be ruined.  We are on the brink of a pandemic.  People are shouting at each other, not listening - and those who are trying to rise above the fray and look at what is, are having difficulty separating out the fact from fiction.  This is what happens when what is becomes so divorced from what is shown to be - it all comes crashing down at the very moment it needs to come together.

There are layers upon layers of dysfunction, and at its root is a mix of entitlement, envy and greed with many out to get their own, by appropriating the causes of others for one's own benefit.  They silence those who most need to be heard at the moment when they are most needed.

Yes, Canada is broken, and we need to recognize that before we can pick the pieces up and cobble it back together.  This is our Kintsugi moment and more caution is needed at this critical time.  If we fail to pick up the pieces, and if we fail to choose the right glue, the mess will remain.  If we do pick up the pieces and choose the right glue - we will emerge from here, stronger and more beautiful than before.  Therein is the challenge that we must take up.

Our glue can't be racist.  Our glue can't be alarmist.  Our glue must be strong - and must put the interests of our country and our citizens (ALL of them) first.


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