The NIMBY Manifesto

There are things I don't want in my backyard.  I'm not a fan of racism in any shade.  I'm not a fan of taking things without permission.  I'm not a fan of preventing people from working hard to get ahead.  I'm not a fan of public spaces being abused.  I'm not a fan of bullying and cancel culture.  I'm not a fan of green lighting public drug use, and public intoxication.  I'm not a fan of laws that aren't applied equally, regardless of economic stripe.  I'm not a fan of affordability escaping from the grasp of many.  I'm not a fan of rights absent responsibilities.  I'm not a fan of lip service to ideals - and an absence of pragmatism.  I don't believe in free rides, but I do believe in fair rides.  I abhor paid protest - and those that engage in it undermine our democracy.  These are all things, I don't want in my backyard - to which I will happily declare "NOT IN MY BACKYARD".

I will work towards cancelling cancel culture, respectfully speaking my mind and letting my ideas stand on their own merits.  I will celebrate those who have spent their live contributing to my community, my province, and my country.  I will applaud those who provide good jobs and treat their staff with respect.  I will cheer on those who are working damn hard to make a better life for themselves and their families.  I will pick up trash and call out bad behavior - and I will hold myself to the same standard that I expect of others.  I will work in whatever ways I can to evolve the world I live in to be a better place for my children.  These are the things that I will happily declare "NOW IN MY BACKYARD".   

I am NIMBY, and I'm hoping many others are too.


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