
Showing posts from June, 2020

Beleaguered Mayor Asks for Patience and Understanding in Wake of Community Frustration with Tent Cities

We are in the midst of the first serious pandemic in 100 years.  A pandemic that has sickened millions since it was declared in mid-March and killed hundreds of thousands around the globe.  In Canada, and in British Columbia we have been fortunate to have been largely spared the most devastating blows from this disease.  In large part due to aggressive public health action to thwart the spread.  On Vancouver Island, in the last seven weeks we've had 1 case diagnosed.  We've been lucky - and yet, we also know that this pandemic isn't over, there will likely be a second wave at some point, and that we'll have to take measures again to ensure the damage is mitigated. So why, exactly, after months of mostly remaining at home, would the Victoria municipal government sanction unmanaged tent cities in our local parks?  Every other municipality in the Capital Regional District has not suspended their bylaws regarding camping in city parks (where the rule is a per...